Happy New Year! (and all that)

Hello everyone!

I thought I should make my first post of the year something relating to the New Year. As you may have seen in my last update, I’m currently in Australia visiting family, and I’ve had extremely limited internet access over the past week. We’ve finally got some more reliable internet (though with limited data), so I’m able to post this today. I’ll hopefully be able to get a review (or two??) up in the coming few days, but that might be it till I get home in a little over a week. Our last week in Aussie is pretty booked up, so I don’t think I’ll have much time to write any other posts.

Anyway, I hope you all had great New Year’s! I wasn’t able to ring in the New Year because I had to get up at 5am on Jan 1st to get to the airport >.< I really hope your New Year’s Eve was more exciting than packing!

I’ve never been one for making New Year’s resolutions, and this year isn’t much different. I’d like to get a job this year, since it’s my first year out of study and I don’t like being officially unemployed. There’s always the fitness goal that everyone makes, but I don’t imagine that’ll go too well with me, so I’m just gonna say that it’d be nice to exercise more this year (but I won’t make any promises).

Since I don’t have time to make a post about books that I really want to read this year (though I’ll hopefully do that when I get home), all I can really say about bookish goals for this year is that I’ve set my Goodreads goal at 75 books. This was my eventual goal for last year (I kept updating it), though I read a total of 80 books in 2015. I didn’t want to do any other more specific challenges because I already have a whole list of books I want to read, and I don’t want to get to the point where I’m just reading to complete a challenge.

So, I hope everyone had a good break and, if you’re still on break, I hope you’re enjoying it! I’ll hopefully make another post in a couple of weeks about books at the top of my 2016 TBR, so keep an eye out for that!

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